Sample Publicity
Sample leaflets advertising a CAMEO group and a CAMEO bible study, as well as a brief explanation of CAMEO to univeristy/school authorities.
Sample leaflets advertising a CAMEO group and a CAMEO bible study, as well as a brief explanation of CAMEO to univeristy/school authorities.
Includes: CAMEO team member guidelines from an established group, spelling out the ministry approach and commitment required, and also refreshment guidelines. (CAMEO = Come and Meet Each Other.)
What do we have in common, how do we learn more about their faith and share ours? Practical and encouraging.
Top tips and questions to think through and discuss as you start an outreach ministry to international wives. Also helpful for developing relationships with women in your Mums & Toddlers…
Tips for beginning a ministry for spouses (wives particularly) and children of international students. Topics include starting a team, publicity and safeguarding.
Ideas for activities, including discussion sheets on "Food", "Healthcare", "Children and Parenting" etc.