Leaving a Legacy for Future International Students

You Can Make a Long-term Difference

Every year, Friends International supports over 10,000 international students in the UK and Ireland, helping them to grow friendships and faith during their time as international students.

Leaving a legacy gift to Friends International will mean that more international students coming to the UK and Ireland will have an opportunity to hear about Jesus.

Sophie did just this. She lived in South Shields and had never been overseas, but she had an unwavering commitment to God’s global mission. When she passed away in 2018, she left a generous legacy to Friends International which is, to this day, benefitting international students across the UK and Ireland.

Peter Teagle, Head of Events Speaking at Friends International, and his wife Lynette are being blessed by the gift: “Sophie’s generous legacy to Friends International came as a complete surprise but has given us the freedom to focus on our national roles of events speaking and training. For this, we are so very grateful.”

Thank you for taking the time to consider leaving a legacy for the benefit of future international students. Please complete the form below for more information or to inform us of your decision to leave a gift.

Why I'm Leaving a Legacy

“Friends International has a great vision to reach students from other countries with the good news of Jesus Christ and send them back to their homes to share with others the gospel. 

I have seen with my own eyes the change that comes when somebody comes to faith in Jesus Christ and the impact that it can have when they go home. For example, one student from Malawi came to our church and became a Christian. His wife had been praying for him and said he came back a changed man. He had asked me to pray for him that he would have an influence for good in the Malawian government. Later he became Minister for Trade and Industry in his country. 

 I would urge people to pray and ask God who He wants them to leave a legacy to. I did not go overseas, but I am a missionary in England and God is bringing the world to our doorstep. Friends International staff workers are doing a great job, and they need our support financially. I would ask those of you who are reading this to seriously consider leaving a legacy to the very important work of Friends International.

– Joan Davies, Colchester 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to write a will?

Your will is an important document that outlines what should happen to your money, possessions, and property after you die. If you do not have a will when you die, the law will make this decision on your behalf, which will not necessarily be in line with your wishes.

Q. How do I go about writing a will?

We suggest that you consult with a solicitor who can help you write it and sign it. When writing a will we would encourage you to pray about it and to put your family and the ones you love first.

Q. What if I have already written my will?

If you already have a will and you would like to include Friends International in it then an amendment is easy. All you need is a Codicil (an official will amendment form), which you can get from your solicitor.

Q. What if I have already made a legacy?

If you have already included a gift for Friends International in your will, or you plan to, please let us know using the response slip below, so that we can thank you formally.

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