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Students Returning Home
Understanding the challenge returning students face
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Re-entry Challenges: Church Case Studies
3270 DownloadsEast Asian students returning to churches back home often encounter different practices and perspectives from what they have come to appreciate in the UK. How should we help them understand and respond to these differences? Here are 5 case studies with background notes to stimulate thought and discussion among ISM workers.
Re-entry Challenges: Church Case Studies (A5 booklet)
341 DownloadsThe same resource as above, but formatted for printing as an A5 booklet; case studies and background notes in separate booklets. (Click on "booklet" when printing.)
Re-entry Challenges: Church Case Study notes (A5 booklet)
352 DownloadsThe same resource as above, but formatted for printing as an A5 booklet; case studies and background notes in separate documents. (Just click on "booklet" when printing.)
Follow-up Contacts Around the World (Website Version – November 2024 Update)
Returnee Visits – a complete guide
597 DownloadsVisting students who have returned to their home country is an important part of our ministry. This resource covers the why, when, how and what of making "returnee visits".
Think Home Workshop Participant’s Pack
3734 DownloadsFull handouts for participants at a day workshop for Christian international students returning home, to be used alongside the Think Home workbook. Leader's Pack available below.
Think Home Workshop Leader’s Pack
2811 DownloadsDetailed leader's notes and timetable for running a day workshop for Christian international students returning home, using the Think Home workbook and other resources. Participant's Packs also available for download.
Think Home – Studies for Christian International Returnees
2567 DownloadsReflective questions for students to think through and discuss. A shorterned version of the published workbook Think Home.
Reverse Culture Shock Explained
5609 DownloadsWhy people experience it, its stages and how can we help prepare for it.
Reverse Culture Shock Drama
2697 Downloads6 scene drama portraying reverse culture shock experiences at home, in the workplace and with friends; from fun to fight/flight to fit.
Case studies on Reverse Culture Shock
2963 DownloadsHighlights the struggles of returnees who had become Christians while in the UK.
Returning Home to China
3579 Downloads20 page booklet by China Outreach Ministries (USA) with studies on: Discerning God's call to return or remain, finding a church home, planning your personal ministry and workplace challenges. Excellent studies particularly suitable for those who have been Christians for more than a couple of months.
Think Return
2934 Downloads4 page leaflet outlining why and how we should be preparing international students to return home from the beginning of our ministry to them.
Returnee Ministry & Follow-up
8333 Downloads20 page booklet describing/evaluating useful resources and networks for returnees.